Smart Lab Platform

Cancer care is made simple for providers and easier for patients.

Software As A Service (SaaS) Platform

Smart Lab SaaS Platform: Core Features

Our solution includes the SaaS platform, pathology slide scanner, image management, viewing, analytics, and anatomic pathology-LIS (AP/LIS). We ensure painless providers’ transition to the platform, minimal training, no-cost system maintenance through a service level agreement.

Our Lab Note application integrated with AP-LIS provides protocols and quality control measures in each step of the anatomic pathology laboratory workflow for pathologists and technicians.

Smart Lab Plugins

  1. Laboratory protocols and Lab Note.
  2. Mobile App: includes a patient-centric messaging platform for stakeholders.
  3. Cancer-specific diagnostic AI apps.
Functions Of Plugins
  1. LabNote: assists in quality control from biopsy sample processing to glass slide preparation. 
  2. Cancer-specific diagnostic AI-apps in the cloud: assist pathologists to diagnose cancer on-site. 
  3. AP/LIS: web-based and allows regional referral labs to setup and deliver a remote primary diagnosis.
  4. Messaging Mobile App: patient-centered secure messaging for providers and stakeholders.

Components Included In Smart Lab Solution For Providers


Smart Lab SaaS Platform

3 (1)

Cancer-Specific AI-Apps


Machine Learning


Pathology Slide Scanner


Mobile App

Smart Lab Digital Pathology System Is A Complete Workflow By Design

Only Digital Pathology System Integrated With AP-LIS And Quality Control

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