Mobile Health In Cancer Care

Connected Care Continuum

At Smart Lab, Diagnosis And Treatment Is Just The Beginning of Cancer Care
We Help The Patient Navigate The Journey Until Cancer Is Cured And
Monitor Patients To Detect Future Recurrences


Telemedicine Via Mobile App


Big Data & Patient Centric Messaging

Pathology Slide Scanner

Pathology Slide Scanner

Mobile App

Mobile App

Authentic Information From Renowned Cancer Centers

Smart Lab mobile app has a free version, anyone can download the app to search for cancer-specific information for themselves or for their family members. Free features within the app include:

  • Risk-Assessment: Using touch buttons users answer a few questions to check cancer risk score.
  • Patient-Centric Messaging and Chat-bot: Chat-bot assists users to search cancer-specific, symptom-specific relevant information from authentic sources of renowned cancer centers.
  • HealthLine: users can use the HealthLine button to talk to Histofi local support staff.

Premium Version (For Diagnosed Cancer Patients)

Diagnosed cancer patients, who are within the Histofi partner providers network (HPPs) can subscribe to the premium version of our mobile app to use the following features:

  • Navigator: cancer patients and their caregivers at home get a designated nurse as the patient’s connected navigator who supports the patient and caregivers to manage treatment and post-treatment phases.
  • Messaging: patients and caregivers can communicate with the navigator through the in-app secure messaging app for any clinical issue. All messages flagged with color codes for notifying physicians when appropriate.
  • Chat-bot: helps patients and caregivers add status data on daily basis for home monitoring by the navigator and physician.
  • In-app consultation: as the clinical need be, the navigator arranges telemedicine consultations with the primary and/or specialized physicians.
  • Patient record: all activities in the mobile app become part of the patient’s health record.

Smart Lab Digital Pathology System Is A Complete Workflow By Design

Only Digital Pathology System Integrated With AP-LIS And Quality Control

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